
Just curious

How's the layout looking?? Is everything legible?
(Cupcake pictures coming soon! Plus, I've hit 30,000 words, so it's all downhill from here... in a good way.)
In other news, I started work on Friday, and I'll be at the office pretty much full-time starting tomorrow. It's a nice office, good environment, nice people. Espresso machine. ;)
In other news, I think I'm getting sick. I've got a wicked sore throat and it'll be a miracle if I make it to the meeting this afternoon. So. Here's me hoping that my first week at work will be as good as my first day was.
Also, I had a weird dream last night that involved: field service, an abandoned town, Daniel Craig as 007, and a Wal-Mart. And Doctor Who.
Do I need psychotherapy or what?!


Amber said...

Sure, why not.

Sabrina said...

Can't hurt anyway, right? :D